Review: Camp Seneca

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.6)5 reviews

Zachary Kersh

6 years ago

Bro, idk what it does to me. Every time I get to camp I feel pulled away from the real world, but when the bus rolls around again to pick me up I cry and ball because ik the people here are my real friends. Take a second to realize, Without all the phones and social media working as a mask. The real world is the place where u can hangout with ppl that won’t talk about you behind your back. You can be yourself there and no one will judge you. That place is the real world and this one with all the judgment and hate is the fake one. I wouldn’t change anything about the experiences Ive had at CSL, that place is where I met the people that to this day are my closest friends and I can count on each and every single one of them. CSL is the best place on earth anyone that says no is just living in the “real world” and won’t open their eyes to see the beauty that is CSL. That was my review.🔥👍💯🔆

