Review: Twin Spruce RV Park

  • $0.00 /night
  • (3.7)3 reviews

Larry Pagett

1 year ago

Twin, Spruce, Rv, RV park Ruidoso, New Mexico

Zero stars, warning, vacation, spoiler, alert!

After having a reservation for over two months for two spots including one for myself and one for my daughter. On my way, I realize that I was going to be 15 to 30 minutes late arriving at the 7:00 PM check in time so I called to see what could be done and was informed nothing could be done, I should’ve left earlier!! I ask there’s got to be a way that I can check in maybe my daughter could check in for me? Nope see you tomorrow, I said, so. What am I to do for tonight? Don’t know I was informed that…I wouldn’t call and ask Walmart to stay open 15 minutes late. Why should I expect them to stay open 15 minutes late just for me. I told him if that’s the way they run their business we would never stay there again! Boom!! Great he said you’re not staying here tonight or this weekend either I have pull your reservation. You are not welcome here! The following day, I went to visit my daughter who was already checked in and staying there…trying to follow the many rules. I parked in front of the office and waited for my son-in-law to come pick me up. The manager ran out to my car. Wanted to know what I wanted? I told him nothing .. I was there to visit my daughter but I wanted him to know that he had ruined my vacation! I didn’t ruin your vacation. He said you should’ve left earlier you ruined your vacation, by not being here on time.

I repeatedly told him I did not want to argue or even talk about it! He then told me to get off his property. I said you can’t make me not visit my daughter and he said yes I can get off my property or I’ll call the police. I said fine call the police! So he did and I was informed that it was his property, and he had every right to ask me to leave. My options were to leave or be arrested for criminal trespass! I know it sounds like I must’ve done something else, but I assure you I did not, after looking at other reviews, I am not the only one to have trouble with this guy! There are bad reviews on him going back five years. Be sure to check out Google reviews and also third-party reviews before attempting to stay here.

