The only reason this parking lot is getting one star is because we have 50 amp power, water and sewer.
There is no office here so you have to check in at the hotel about 1/4 mile away, which has no RV parking so you have to come to this parking lot they call an RV park, call the reservation desk (I was on hold for 16 minutes before anyone answered my call) and they’ll assign you a parking spot.
There is no grass, anywhere, for pets to be taken to relieve themselves. There’s a very active fire department across the street and boarded up apartments I can see from my RV window. I wouldn’t feel safe walking from here to the casino due to people living under the freeway we are adjacent to, not to mention the people passed out next to the sidewalk and the bus stop right at the entrance to the ‘park’.
Definitely will never return here.