Review: South Sulphur Unit

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.6)5 reviews

Stephanie Gautreaux

10 months ago

The park itself was great! The trails were well marked and maintained, and the park Ranger in charge of our area was very friendly and kept the bathrooms nice and clean... At least until a very large group of families (all together) showed up.

That being said, the people around our campsite were the very opposite of pleasant. I honestly could not believe the lack of camping etiquette the group of families around us had. Their kids were running wild and crazy, being excessively loud until around 11pm every night, constanly running through our campsite, leaving trash everywhere, and completely trashed the bathrooms by stuffing toilet paper in the sinks to stop them from draining properly and covered both shower stalls, walls and floors, in mud. Unfortunately, this experience will probably be the reason my family will not return. :/

