
LJ Reeves

2 years ago

Decided to take my kids on a spur of the moment camping trip. Called and asked if they had primitive camping available. I was told yes. We drove from Hattiesburg to Maynor Creek. Primitive camping is $15. They had trouble with the computer, so they entered me in as a campsite for $35. I didn't mind because it was for my kids. Primitive camping is not marked off by sites. I was told where to go and where to set up my tent. He literally said pick a nice spot near the bathhouse, I even called the office to make sure I was in the right spot.

So, I get my tent set up as close to the woods as I can. As soon as I get everything set up, the same guy who told me where to go drives up and said, "people are calling and complaining that my tent is near the bathhouse. Looking around, I see that there are RVs closer to the bathouse than my tent. He asked if I could move to the other side of the field. Which is basically a pasture with a large brush pile right in the middle.

Long story short, I paid double the money to be told where to go, then be asked to move after breaking my back setting everything up.

Thankfully, I got my money back and took my kids elsewhere. Maynor Creek Water park is not the place to go for primitive camping. Big 10 or Paul B Johnson is the way to go!

