
Ginny Eickholdt

5 years ago

This is not for the inexperienced camper/hiker! My 16 year old daughter and myself booked this CAMPGROUND back in February. I feel like there should be big red letters saying that it is a 2 1/2 mile hike from parking lot to the actual camping site and the trail can be very ruff. We thankfully noticed the Campsite was not a drive up and park one just before we left and we brought a cart. We had a full CAMPGROUND worth of supplies. 4 person tent, air mattresses etc..... bad idea. The sign at the parking lot has a picture of a tent that points down 1 trail heading towards chapel falls.(The other trail that we took back was much easier)It was BRUTAL with all our stuff. We had NO IDEA what we had gotten ourselves into. Lol ! It was dark before we reached chapel rock. We couldn't even find the Campsite until the next day and ended up sleeping on the beach. It is absolutely stunning, but you will work to get there! I now know what "back woods camping " means.

