Review: Forest Lake State Forest Campground

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.3)4 reviews


3 years ago

The majority of outhouses were absolutely atrocious, and there was no staff to be found. Whomever stays there or nearby and manages the property, clearly just looks out for themselves. The 1st outhouse closest to the 'office', has a pleasant scent maker and is completely clean. The rest are thoroughly unsanitary. Now let's talk about it being square in the middle of BFE. Unless your going to go kayaking down Autrain river and are looking for an economy value, there's absolutely no reason to stay here. WAIT! There is OK perch fishing, but not so good that I'd make an additional trip there. But of course, there are beautiful views of nature if that's your thing. It's just that the entire U.P. is in one way or another pretty nature-y, and this place def failed to stand out. If your visiting the U.P. I recommend Perkins Park or Tourist Park in Big Bay and Marquette, respectively. Much better accommodations, much closer to civilization. But not in a bad way, there's no such thing as metro in the U.P..

TLDR: Campgrounds ok if your going kayaking, or if your on the run or something, haha. Otherwise I'd recommend the other aforementioned campgrounds.

