Review: Quality Camping

  • $0.00 /night
  • (2.6)5 reviews

Janine DesVoignes

2 years ago

As a recent widow I am trying to regain my life and attempted my first camping trip to Quality Camping in Marshall. It was very stressful hauling the camper alone and then backing it into the camping spot. The spot I was assigned was extremely uneven and it was difficult to find level ground. After an hour of trying I was finally successful and spent the night. 24 hours later Tim the manager showed up to my site demanding that I needed to move my camper, it was too close to the electrical and they didn’t care about the difficulty with finding a level spot. Their hospitality and treatment of guests is deplorable. They have no compassion at all and threatened to kick me out of the campground if it wasn’t moved with a few minutes. Luckily my camping neighbor offered to help me move my camper. I do not recommend this campground, their Christian values are not evident in their business practices but only in their website. James 1:27 commands that widows should be looked after not made to feel inadequate or unwelcome.

