Review: Creek Valley MHC & RV Park

  • $0.00 /night
  • (3.4)5 reviews

Pamela Miller

2 years ago

Is usually a peaceful place unfortunately some areas have neighbors who like to take advantage of others. And don't respect privacy hopefully that will be a matter of the past very soon otherwise we have plenty of wildlife visitors. Duck,geese, and cranes every year is always a pleasure everyone owns their trailers here and we have a camp ground next to Bedford road . Spring early summer we have opossum and baby skunks which are so adorable this is an ideal place to set up home the owners of this establishment are very kind as well as our maintenance person who is usually very helpful we love them all. Personally this is my home and I plan to spend the rest of my living days here . Renting the land is reasonable not over priced ideal for those with a strict budget. It's usually very comfortable living style here. Very much appreciated.

