Not being the most experienced camper, I'm not sure how this place stacks up against others. I will say the spaces are pretty close together. So if you are looking for privacy, do what I did and go for a spot that is a bit more close to the periphery.
I will say a lot of these people who complain seem to complain a lot for people who are camping. I mean, camping means that you are gonna rough at a little, no matter how much you pay, you're camping, there are going to be things that aren't gonna be perfect.
Bunch of babies... lol... If you love to complain about things not being like a hotel at a campground, maybe you should stay home? Or just get a hotel.
And to the folks who complain about the place not being level... It's Duluth!!! Everything is on a Hill!! Even this flatlander from Chicargo can see that, and I except and adapt to it.
You want a flat place to camp? Go to Illinois, where it's really freaking boring, but at least it's flat.
I dig this camp ground and I'll choose it again next year.