Review: Lake Hiddenwood Recreation Area

  • $0.00 /night
  • (2.0)1 review

James Glenn

11 months ago

Lake Hiddenwood Recreation Area is missing the lake... but don't completely ignore this recreation area. It was defiantly a quiet park with no congestion. There is a camping area with a lot of well established camp sites. There is also a large mowed grassy field and a playground. I cant speak for the amentias of the campground as it was late fall when I visited and everything was locked up. Its down in a hollow out of view of of the surrounding farm lands making you feel like there isn't much for civilization around you. There are also some paths through the grasslands and between some trees to take a nice stroll; which it looked like they were still building/improving the trail around the old lake area. There is also a small creek that runs through the park, probably what once fed the lake. This recreation area isn't quite my cup of coffee, being from a S.W. State originally, its quite bland for what I look for recreating but I would probably return to see what the bird watching may be like in this area.

