Review: AMC Medawisla Lodge and Cabins

  • $0.00 /night
  • (5.0)5 reviews

Britte van Zadelhoff

1 year ago

Super friendly staff and I loved the food as well as facilities.

We were the first to hike the Shaw mountain trail this winter season and without snow shoes, it took us (a very adamant hiking family) 1-2 hours to walk those 0.6 miles to the first intersection due to the deep snow.

My family agreed that Medawislana had the best cross country skiing we’d done. On top of that, the outdoor scenery was beautiful.

The staff was super friendly and always willing to answer questions. I asked for a recipe one night and the woman working their gave it to me and told me the hourly forecast as I’d hoped to see the stars (it was too snowy though). We also talked to two groomers we stumbled upon at the end of our Shaw mountain trek and chatted for a bit. Super cool guys.

My favorite food was the the soup they served on the season opening night, it seemed to have a bit of an Indian twist with lots of flavor.

There is no real cell service there which is extremely nice. It’s one of few places I’ve been forced to be completely disconnected from the world and it allows you to bond with the people around you and really live in the moment. 100% recommended.

