Review: Sun-N-Fun Mobile Home Village

  • $0.00 /night
  • (2.2)5 reviews

Jan Humphrey

2 years ago

I was the infirm lady that someone from my church was trying to help who brought his service dog with him while he worked. This service animal was trained to know if Creig was going to have a seizure. Yet he was asked to keep the dog in his vehicle instead of near him as he worked! What good could the dog do from inside the car where it could overheat, I have no idea.

2nd Tracy T is 100% correct in regards to Billie Williams. He was fired because he is black. I have lived here since 2012 and have seen many instances of discrimination. I was picked on because I was giving a friend who was black a ride to the doctors once a week. A friend was picked on because she brought a black friend to the pool. Her electricity box was tampered with afterwards. Blacks are definitely not liked in this community!

