Review: Seven Mile Camp on the Florida Trail

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.8)4 reviews

Jim Weimer

3 years ago

We biked the trail on March ninth 2021. It was a beautiful clear day around 73 degrees with enough wind to keep down the bugs.

Took us about an hour and a half to ride the loop on hybrid bikes. It was a bit rough for us but manageable. As it hadn't rained recently the rutted portions of the trail were mostly dry and we could ride through most of of it. There's rutting on the entire loop but the stretch from mile two to mile three was the worst.

We took the loop to the left to see the salt marsh vistas first then rode on around through mostly pine lands and wet hammock.

Saw some birds and other animals and yes we saw the alligator... See three photos.

We'd recommend the trail when it's cool and windy to help reduce the bugs.

