Review: Cherokee Campground

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.4)5 reviews

Deidra Gist

1 year ago

We had to move from another park in Birmingham to Cherokee due to them being sold out in advance for a big sports event, and we needed a place quickly. The owners of this park are all gems! They got us a spot so quick! It's a family run business and the family is wonderful! We had hoped to stay there for 5-6 months but we got transferred after just 1 month. We wish we could have stayed longer! There are alot of full-timers but everyone keeps their space up nicely. It's a very wooded and scenic area. And it's a good deal to boot! It's the best of all worlds! You cannot go wrong staying here or dealing with this wonderful family! Thank you for being so accommodating!

Chris and Deidra Gist

