Review: Sun Outdoors Orlando ChampionsGate

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.2)5 reviews

Matthew DeFoor

6 months ago

The showers have no hot water. The parking spaces are incredibly cramped making it extremely difficult to back a camper in. The showers don't even have doors for privacy. They have a flimsy curtain. In addition, they don't even have a bench to put your stuff on when showering, so good luck keeping your clothes dry or having any privacy whatsoever when dressing or undressing. They also do not have any accessible showers, so if you're in a wheelchair, you're screwed.

*EDIT since I can't reply to the owner's reply*

The water from the shower flooded the hall immediately outside the bath area, and I had to walk out to the entrance by the sink in order to dress without my clean clothes getting wet. There was no privacy. As for their claim about the accessibility showers, there is a step up to even enter the shower itself, with nowhere to sit, so it actually isn't accessible. It may have a removable shower head, but someone in a wheelchair still cannot use it.

At the end of the day, the showers are a joke. The water floods out making the hall area a danger to walk in, you cannot get dressed or undressed with any semblance of privacy, and the showers in the bathhouse I used were not remotely accessible.

*Edit 2*

I did have some hot water this time, so that was an improvement, but as you can see from the pictures and video I attached, the statement about level ground and removable shower heads for accessibility was an outright lie. I need to check the other bathhouse to see if it is any better.

*Edit 3*

There is definitely more privacy in the 2nd bathroom, however there is a step DOWN into each shower, and as previously mentioned with the other bathroom, the claim about removable shower heads is a blatant lie.

