Review: Town & Country RV Resort

  • $0.00 /night
  • (2.3)3 reviews

P Stickney

1 year ago

After four physical visits and numerous telephone calls, which were call forwarded an 813 area code, went to a recording saying that the mailbox was full, we have yet been able to get in touch with Mary. On our first visit the office was locked so we asked a man doing some work there and he left her a note to call me. On our last visit the same man told me that this is not a trailer park it's an RV resort. Ok I'm using a RV he then said that that they don't rent out to RV people in the summer. Huh?. Something is , in my opinion, really weird going on here. We have been RV enthusiastic people for 50 years and I can honestly say I have never encountered a stranger situation. Totally surprised that they can maintain a business

