Review: oak alley rv resort

  • $70.00 /night
  • (2.8)5 reviews

Issac Gonzalez

10 months ago

Hey, I’m 13 years old with a little brother who is 10 and another little brother who this 6. We came to this park with pleasure thinking we were gonna have fun and then me and my brother wanted to go ride our wheels when we got back to our site they were saying we have to have adult supervision at all times if you don’t people will scream at you if you do something wrong and then they will go tell the front office to call your guardian's. It states that children are only allowed 2 weeks at a time with exceptions so basically everyone there is cranky, old, and grumpy, and they are very territorial with their sites so you can’t touch foot on their side accidentally if you fall or if you do anything they will tell the front office and call your guardians about what you have done. also, if you are a kid that likes to play outside and do stuff, you are not gonna have a good time because they don’t like that you’re not supposed to have fun if you’re a kid that likes to play video games all day then this park for you because the old people don’t have to see you.

