
Matt Burns

4 years ago

The scenery is beautiful and the beach just a fairly short walk away down flat paths and a boardwalk. The campsites have several picnic tables and bear boxes, as well as a couple of gear poles for hanging packs. There are plenty of good locations for both tents and hammocks, and the huge twisty branches of the oak trees make it easy to tie up tarps over the picnic tables. The bathhouse was in good condition and clean, and provided a source of filtered water and outlets for charging electronics. As someone who usually prefers primative camping, this was far more luxury then I was expecting, but made camping over the Labor Day weekend with a small group a delight.

Make sure to keep your food in the bear boxes, because the raccoons are determined and clever. And if a horse wanderers into your campsite, just let him graze. We named him Steve McQueen Carnegie III, and he won't bother you as long as you keep your distance.

