Review: Big Mike’s Ranch and RV Camp

  • $0.00 /night
  • (5.0)4 reviews

Brittney Forthman

1 year ago

The hospitality is so amazing. My friends and I were coming here as a first stop on our vacation to Florida from north carolina. As we were pulling in, a truck ran into the back of our camper with me and a 7 year old in the back along with his mother and stepfather in the cab. Demolished the camper with us inside. Luckily only I had some little injuries. The little boy is OK. She took us in. Gave us a place to stay and sleep. Allowed My mother and sister to rest after a 7 hour drive to get me before the long drive home. Miss Alice will always have a special place in my heart for this wonderful act of love in this tragic time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me a place to sleep but most importantly providing a place for my best friend and her family to stay and make sense of this mess. ❤️ ❤️

