Review: Little City Campground

  • $0.00 /night
  • (3.4)5 reviews

Tina Sundelius

5 years ago

Where to begin. ..This campground had a "deliverance" feel to it right from the beginning. We lasted 3 hours before we packed it all up and found different lodgings. It started with big smiles and happy greetings but quickly turned to being treated with sceptical suspicion (?) before we even unpacked the car she started saying depending on how we behaved things might cost more.(!?!?!) We thought that was strange. There was a child on a leash (We thought that was strange) and an area of the campground that is inhabited by permanent campers and apparently off limits. I drove too fast, although far from speeding (maybe 10-15mph) and accidentally turned into "the field" (the loop with the permanent residents?) and all hell broke loose. We were told that they didn't know how things were done where we were from but here they follow the rules. Oh, yes, did I mention the managers/groundskeepers were drunk. It was creepy.

Just for context: There were 8 of us, 3 of which are under 3yo. we set up camp, had dinner , no alcohol, and then 4 of us were on our way out, only 4 were staying ...when me and my 83 yo mother drove too fast in the wrong area....the rest is twilight zone weirdness.

