Review: Mica Bay Boater Park Camping

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.0)5 reviews


1 year ago

Really nice park but the hosts are awful. They didn't have any firewood available so we tried to bring some in and they yelled at the person who we had show up, who is just a little old woman by the way and she never said anything to them to prompt the yelling. When she explained why she was there they continued to snap at her even though she was very nice to them. I knocked on the door to the host's camper at one point to ask them a question about when they would get any firewood back and they spoke to me in a very condescending tone, treated me like I was stupid, did not answer my question, just kept pointing at the empty firewood area telling me it was out. If it wasn't for the awful hosts I'd come here more but they were so mean I wouldn't recommend it at this point unless you like being yelled at for just existing.

