Review: Grant River Recreation Area

  • $14.00 /night
  • (4.0)3 reviews

mwalukas 123

1 year ago

I read these reviews before booking. So many say “great campground, just a little deduction for the trains.” I figured it can’t be that bad. I was wrong. I figured there was a bit of distance. Nope, they were laying on the horn when they were about 50 yards from our camper (the attached photo is take from inside our camper in site #9). It was like that old joke, “Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, what did you think of the play?”

We have a pop up tent camper. Maybe it’s not so bad in a camper with solid walls and AC running but if you are in anything where you have windows open.

The first night wasn’t too bad but even then, there were about 5 trains between 2-4 am, all of which laid on the horns while passing by. Still we slept the other hours. I thought that was bad until the second night. We counted 10 trains from 11 pm to 6am, one of which blew its horn 8 times (I was counting since I had nothing better to do). We were supposed to spend a third night but we packed it in from the sleep deprivation.

If you can sleep through something like that, then the campground is great. All sites had easily accessible concrete pads although it’s pretty tightly space. You are really close to your neighbors. The view of the Mississippi is beautiful.

