Review: Grandview Bend Family Campground

  • $30.00 /night
  • (4.4)5 reviews

Deputy Dog

1 year ago

My parents were one of the first to purchase a lot back in the mid 70s. It's been awhile but I believe our lot number was 22 or 23. We had an end lot but I believe there was 1 more between us and the boat ramp to the river at the time. We were right across from the bath house and the pavilion. I love the river and it was great fishing until they took the railroad trestle down just up river. Then for some reason the fish stopped biting for the most part. It started dying down and fewer people were coming up during the summer. Someted we were the only ones there in the entire place. It looks like it has grown quite a bit. My parents passed and we sold the lot in the late 80s or early 90s not sure when. It is a nice place and used to be hopping with music and parties ect. It's worth checking out.

