Review: Camp Ondessonk

  • $6.00 /night
  • (5.0)5 reviews


1 year ago

In February 2020, my daughter, as an avid viewer of Bunk’d, asked if she could go to summer camp. Not having gone to camp myself, a random search for “Catholic youth camp” led me to Camp Ondessonk and after reading the website and watching some of their videos on YouTube, I knew in my heart that this was the place for her. 2020 happened and camp wasn’t a reality that year, but I was so impressed with the communication from them throughout that spring and summer, that we felt comfortable sending our daughter to camp summer 2021 sight unseen.

Summer 2021 came and, while all of us were a little apprehensive about sending her away, those nerves were quickly alleviated once we arrive, and even more so when I picked up a daughter who so enjoyed camp, she let out a huge sigh of disappointment that I was there to pick her up. Our then often shy and quiet daughter was a chatterbox the whole 5 hour ride home, telling me all about her experiences and the wonder and joy that is Ondessonk. She tried many new and activities: horseback riding, swimming, canoeing/kayaking, hiking, an overnight camp out, handicrafts, campfires, archery, and riflery to name a few. She roughed it in the three-walled treehouses that are Ondessonk’s signature unit, sleeping under the stars at Wednesday’s overnight, showering in cold water, and using outhouses. She “survived” without phones and technology, learning to appreciate a slightly slower pace of life. She explored nature amidst the Shawnee National Forest: serene trails, trickling waterfalls, tall trees, rock formations, scenic lakes, and pastures. She grew deeper in her faith and appreciation for God’s beauty and compassion and service towards others.

Since then, she has returned twice each summer, and each time, her personal growth from these experiences has been evident to not only us but to many of our family and friends. She has emerged a slightly happier, more confident, more independent version of herself. For many reasons, she has blossomed over the past couple of years, and we know that camp had been a big piece of that equation. As parents, we know there isn’t a price that can be put on what our daughter has gained from camp, but there is no doubt in our minds that it is worth every penny.

My husband and I have been fortunate enough to gain a small glimpse of what our daughter experiences at camp at the annual family camp in September. We too enjoy the beauty of nature and the serenity of time together as a family that is very different from our every day life, and we are all the better for it. Ondessonk truly is a special place and one that has become important to all of us. 🏕️

