Review: Blue Heron Campground & Marina

  • $15.00 /night
  • (3.3)4 reviews

Caleb Stowers

2 years ago

I was out there with a family member that is a member out there, long story short truck got a flat tire while loading the boat. Inquired about an air pump, they couldn’t find the key to the maintaince building so I went to put the spare on, some grouchy club member told the host I was trying to break into the the building, me being law enforcement I obviously wasn’t and was no where near it. Club member drives by several time flipping me off and making rude comments, then the host comes up screaming asking for where my family members pass was, it was in the windshield of the truck, she proceeds to get in the truck mind you while I’m under it with a sketchy jack that comes with a 2015 Silverado and slams the door. Very dangerous, then they get in my face scream at me. Cops were called they revoked my family members membership with out hearing his side or my side. Would not recommend this place to anyone. Between the rudeness of the member and the host. It was the first time I went there and will be the last. Don’t waste your money on a membership.

