Review: Diamond Creek Camp - Hualapai Tribal Land

  • $0.00 /night
  • (5.0)4 reviews


9 months ago

You will need a permit to camp. It’s $21.71/night PER person to camp. Make sure to bring cash. You can obtain a permit by going to Hualapai Game and Fish Office. They are kind of hard to get a hold of. We called, and no one answered the phone. Unfortunately you can’t buy a permit in advance. You’ll have to walk in. The building is a stone building if you set you destination to “historic peach spring trading post” it will direct you to the stone building to buy the permit.

We called the Hualapai Lodge, since we couldn’t get a hold of Hualapai game and fish office. Hualapai Lodge is 24/7 hotel that used to sell the permits. We were told that someone on the campground will there to collect payment for permits. When we arrived at Peach Springs, we stopped by the lodge before going in camp just to be courteous, and confirm there will be a ranger at camp. When we got to the lodge, they told us no ranger was at the campsite. Thankfully, someone at the front desk called one the people that works at the Hualapai game and fish office. They said we can camp and a ranger will be there in the morning to offer a permit.

The dirt road going to camp is easy, but will get muddy if it rains, and campsite would be prone to flash flooding. Thankfully the weather was nice, and views even better.

This is Hualapai property. You will need a permit to camp or face a fine. We made sure to let them know we want to camp, and be courteous for letting us camp in their land. Leave the campsite cleaner then what is was.

