Review: Vallecito County Park

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.3)4 reviews

Bill Barnard

1 year ago


Especially on the actual campground website.

We wanted to experience a new park and discovered the San Diego county parks. This is our first visit to one of the parks and Vallecito was lacking a lot.

The bad:

- There is one central bathroom for the entire park. 2 toilets for the men's and 4 for the women's. The one shower stall that was used was humid and the toilet was out of order. There was plenty of toilet paper and the ranger kept them clean.

- Flies are very abundant at the youth group site. Even with the fly traps they were pretty overwhelming in certain areas. Ant hills were also an issue in the youth group and site 16.

- The playground reminded me of my childhood upbringing with scorching metal slides and sacrificing a good chunk of skin to the fun of things. Why metal playground structure in a desert?

- We did understand that we were staying for the last weekend of the season and understood that it was going to be on the warm to hot side. On the camp ground brochure it states that it is on average 10° cooler. LIES! It was most definitely the same temps.

- There is nothing to do within 50 minutes of the campground.

- Pretty windy with no shelter for your tent. Bring extra cord and stakes to batten down the tent.

- Firewood was not sold at the campground as advertised. Had to run down the road and pay almost double the price. Supply and demand got us.

The good:

- Decent cell service for where we were.

- Great night skies. We were fortunate enough to catch the train of satellites for Starlink. It was pretty cool to watch.

- Youth group site has a pretty nice grill set up to feed a lot.

- Fire pits were pretty big for the youth group site.

- The Park Ranger was super nice and very helpful.

Some of the other reviews talk about being very quiet with minimal other visitors. I can see this being very true. It is right next to the road so you do get highway noise during the night. Maybe one car an hour.

