
C Bland

1 year ago

The view at Dewey Point is mesmerizing. Bring a snack or a sandwich as you will want to sit for a few and simply take in the view. On March 25,2021, the snow on the trail was hard packed and I went all the way to Dewey and back in hiking boots without ever putting on my snow shoes. I did put on my crampons taking pictures around Dewey Point as it was a bit icy and I did not want to slip and fall. I took the 14 trail out and back, which is the ridge trail and supposed to be “difficult,” but the trail is straightforward and it really did not feel like much incline. 14 trail is mostly through the woods and opens up to stunning views as you approach Dewey Point. From Badger Pass ski lot it was 7.5 miles round trip and took me 5 hours, though I spent a lot of time at the Point taking pictures and simply taking in the view. Started at 7:30 am and was all alone at the Point for about half an hour before other hikers arrived. Note there were no restrooms available at Badger Pass facilities/lot since the ski slopes were closed for the 20/21 season due to covid.

