Review: Creekside Mountain Camping

  • $0.00 /night
  • (2.0)5 reviews

Alea Pennington

1 year ago

What we thought was going to be a nice camping trip turned into a nightmare. There were spiders and spider webs everywhere, the room itself didn’t look like it had been cleaned in a while and we found bed bugs! They were infested, in the cracks of the walls, they came out when the lights went out, my mama was bit 10 times before we found them. They were in the curtain of the window, they were everywhere. We ended up having to wake the owner up in the middle of the night to get our money back and drove home at 4am. I have a baby so it was not a pleasant trip. This was awful, they were big so they seem to have been there for a while. The bath house was disgusting and looked like it had not been cleaned in so long just filthy, i feel sorry for whoever did have to use the bath house. I would post pics but my sister has them on her phone. This was awful.

