Review: Ingersoll Ranch Camp Sites

  • $100.00 /night
  • (2.0)5 reviews

Steven Yampolsky

1 year ago

First went to Casini ranch in August with our two kids (3 and 5 y.o.) and another family with 2 kids (10 and 5 y.o.) - Had a blast. The mixture of kids’ activities, swimming, etc and recreation on-site fit our recreation needs perfectly.

We had such a good time we decided to come back a month later (yesterday) with another family (also have a 5 and a 3 y.o.) to stay the weekend

One of our kids had a rough night on Friday - woke up once disoriented and took a few minutes to calm down and go back to sleep, then woke up again at ~5a after peeing through his diaper and needed a change (not a fun activity in the middle of the night when it’s ~40-50F outside, of course he cried for a few minutes).

All four kids woke up early (just shy of 7a) - we scrambled to get them around a screen to keep them from playing too loudly - and you do what you can 🤷‍♂️.

The folks staying on the site next to us were not shy about coming over and telling us they were going to call the sheriff and kick us out for ‘child neglect’ (at this point I haven’t even had coffee yet)

An hour or two later staff came by to tell us they got a few texts from campers about the noise (whether they were from one camp using a few phones or not was not entirely obvious). Long and the short of it they kicked us out with a refund for one night.

On one hand, I understand the decision - it’s a business, there’s quiet hours, guests come for an experience and kids crying isn’t quiet - nothing personal there. On the other hand, it’s place that advertises itself as being ‘Family Friendly,’ as long as your kids are 10+ maybe? One of the staff actually told us that it’s not a good place for kids that are that young…. 🤷‍♂️

We planned to return here more times in the coming year, due to the place’s proximity to where we live and due to how much our kids (and their friends/families) love camping (even though every once in a blue moon, they don’t have a great night). Easily another $2k+/yr in revenue in the coming year from one customer, but might have to think about going elsewhere now.

Refund for the 2nd night was swift tho!

