Review: Tilden Regional Park

  • $0.00 /night
  • (5.0)4 reviews

Tina Nguyen

2 years ago

Grizzly Peak is one of my favorite top hikes in the Berkeley area.

There are multiple trail passes to get up to the peak.

I used neighborhood parking near the Claremont Hotel.

There’s very limited spots, but

I got lucky, & found one, it helped that I got there in the early AM.

My hike was over 6 miles with 1,600 feet of elevation gain.

It was a good workout, as there were some steep parts.

The trail was mostly shade and just some sun.

It is my favorite because I hike through woods for most of the trail. I saw a lot of different wildflowers, birds, & butterflies.

It was very quiet, and there were not that many hikers.

The more I climbed up, the better the view got, and the less hikers around me so it’s very peaceful.

This is one of the best breathtaking views of the Berkeley Hills, the Bay Bridge, the SF Bay, the GGB, the Richmond Bridge, and even parts of the ocean in the distance.

Too bad Grizzly Peak is locked behind a fence due to the tower on top.

Anyway, I highly recommend a good pair of hiking shoes, trekking poles, water, some snacks, and sun protection.

I plan to come back here at "Dusk" to catch the Sunset and the Lights coming on over the City...

