
Josh Paul

3 years ago

My wife and I camped for 2 nights at Rock Creek campground. While it has potential to be a really cool place, it seems in disrepair in my opinion. I will say the restroom facilities and staff were great though. But on to the negative. Redwood camp, which seems to be the most convenient for distance to recreation and more seclusion, has been closed as there is no longer a bridge to get there, so you're left with the two other camps to the north, Rock Creek and Hickey, which are really close to hwy 101 (our camp was probably 60') and quite the downhill trek to get to the river for some recreation. The sound of Harleys and big rigs kinda dampens the getting away from the traffic experience of camping. Additionally, the trails are in disrepair and require crossing the river to get there. Mill Creek Falls trail, for example, is permanently closed. I hiked up to Standish Tree and back real quick, but could tell the trail was hardly ever used. I will say we made the best of it (the swimming area is 👍), but the traffic noise, and difficulty getting down to the river and the trails made the experience just OK. So if you're looking for seclusion and relaxing recreation, you may wanna look elsewhere. I really hope they get the place up to snuff. I'd love to camp down at Redwood camp and give it another go in the future.

