Review: Tahoe State Recreation Area

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.3)4 reviews


2 years ago

Pros: right by the lake, $10 firewood bundles for sale, bear locker for food (mandatory to use)

Cons: really close to the road so there are cars whirring by (but at our campsite by the lakeside it was hardly noticeable)

At least two different campsites we checked had the bear lockers full of trash. The locker we had at our campsite had somebody's smashed plate with writing on it for somebody's selfish self healing stuff. The fire pits are kind of nasty, had some broken glass and plenty of cigarette butts in it. Plus some of them have the older fire pits without the air holes in the side for air flow so the fire doesn't get a very clean burn.

Pro and con: extremely close to the town (the CVS is literally a 5 minute or less walk away)

We were able to easily switch our campsite from 11 to 15. The campsite at 11 was right next to the lakeside homes of the residents there, which is pretty unappealing when going camping to say the least. The dock that you can walk down to is very beautiful. Highly recommend this place strictly for the beautiful view of the lake. The campground employee was helpful in coming to clean out the mess from our bear locker.

