Review: Wonderland RV Park

  • $0.00 /night
  • (1.8)5 reviews

richard sardo

1 year ago

The managers mess up on the meter readings every month and force people to pay the wrong readings. The residents have to pay for any damages that the trees and stuff causes to the homes. The property is not taken care of properly. If the managers don't like what your talking to them about than they will get in your face and yell at you. none of the residents get there climate change from the power due to the managers. The property is a fire hazard during the summer because of all the dry brush and dead trees. They wrongfully allow other tenants to cause problems with other tenants. on occasion the mangers smell like pot while they are out dealing with tenants. this is a family park now but not good to have children around due to the pot smocking and there are tenants that live there on the Megan list.

