Review: Purplehaze Acres

  • $40.00 /night
  • (3.6)5 reviews

Mark Doe

11 months ago

I am 32 years old, Ive been going to Happy Acres since I was 5. I've been to many campgrounds however none have the Vibe or feel as this one. This one always has had a special place, Eating Brats all day while racing my Bike down the Gravel Hill and Swimming in the pool to enjoying the quiet night ,EVEN with a full camp ground of hearing laughing and crackling firewood. During Oshkosh or other Airshows planes seem to Actually do fly overs of the place aswell! As a kid There was a time where a WW2 P51 Mustang Buzzed the Lake, and it was so Low I could actually see my reflection in its stainless body! This place truely set the bar for me, and has me as an Adult looking forewards to Brats, Playing (Now) Retro Games that I played as a kid and Realizing how old Ive gotten by getting winded on the hill! haha. I love this place.

