Review: Lake Valhalla Backcountry Camping

  • $0.00 /night
  • (5.0)5 reviews

Josh Wilson

2 years ago

Got to the trailhead at 9:50 on a Monday morning. I was only the second car in the parking lot and I was shocked. First mile is pretty rocky with some switchbacks. After the first mile it is pretty gradual incline until the turnoff for Mount McCausland. There isn’t a sign for Mount McCausland so just be on the lookout for a trail on your right. The trail gets pretty steep but the colors and views make it worth it. After I lost view of Lake Valhalla I made my way to the top of Mount McCausland. The clouds at the top made for some cool photos. The clouds were moving in very fast with the rain so I made my way down to Lake Valhalla. The views coming down McCausland are amazing. Hiking poles would be nice coming down to save the knees. I enjoyed some snacks at the lake and it started to rain but just a bit. I got back to my car at 1:05. Round trip was 8 miles and 2100 feet elevation gain. Come see these colors now! Saw a total of 10 other hikers on the trail today.

