Review: Lake Ellen West Campground

  • $0.00 /night
  • (3.8)5 reviews


5 years ago

I was planning camp at this lake for the weekend. Parked at a spot and as I was filling out paper to pay for the site. A haggy lady drove up and yelled out "are you camping here". Instead of introducing herself as the camp host. Right off the bat she was unwelcoming and seemed annoyed. Why else was I there if not to camp... the second thing she said was we have very strict rules here. I was there with my wife and kid, and wasn't there to party.

She used scare tactics of rattle snakes and bears to scare us off. Told us we cant have food out when its dark. etc. etc.

The whole ordeal turned me off and we left. Wouldn't you know it here family member was right behind her driving another truck.

She was the most bizarre camp host encounters I ever had.

Lady our tax money goes to these camp areas. On top of that we also pay the camp fee. Its is not your private property and It is for everyone to enjoy. We are not homeless asking for a shelter and do not appreciate the dictator personal rules from you. The rules are posted and we are capable of read. I never hear from the camp host to most places I been to.

