Review: Harts Pass Campground

  • $0.00 /night
  • (5.0)5 reviews

Mike “CrowMike”

1 year ago

Here is the scoop on getting up here. Hart’s Pass road is not difficult to get up as far as the campground and guard building. We did it in a Prius and had no issues. As long as you drive careful and keep an eye out for rocks in the road then no worries. I was surprised a lot of the road is amongst trees not along the edge of cliffs. There certainly are areas like that and they are amazing. I highly suggest you be prepared for a flat tire before you make your way up here because the person working at the guard building said they had two flat tires in 12 hours today up at the top, including one on a large 4 x 4 vehicle and one on a sedan like ours.

If you have any plans on going to the old mining area called Barron they you have to have a tough 4 WD vehicle or you will NOT make it. It is almost 3 miles there and we hiked some of the road and it was clearly impossible for any 2WD vehicles.

