Review: Sherando Lake Campground

  • $15.00 /night
  • (5.0)5 reviews

Susan Dalton

1 year ago

The good, the bad, and the, well, not so good.

It is just one of those luck of the draw, or, lack of it.

The day before we are to leave to camp at Sherando Lake campground I get an email saying they were having water leak issues and there would be no water available at the beach bath house, nor, in the campgrounds.

No in, none, zero, zilch.

Bathrooms and showers would be closed. No water spigots would be cut on. Pit toilets would be provided. Well, great timing. Awesome weather forecasted after enduring a heatwave with 102-104 heat indexes.

Putting on the positive face: only two night stay, can bring bottled water, can make do with pit toilet, and, bring wipes/wash with a bottle of water. Not the best, but, trade off for great forecast.

The tent site was lovely. Close to the pit toilet, but, far enough away to not be found by an odor trail, close enough to get to quickly, and, out of sight behind the bath house which was closed. Not as visually appealing as a flush toilet, but, it got the job done.

No potable water. Bottled water and the cooler sufficed.

No shower. Probably, the hardest to wink at. Though having hiked the AT, a wipe bath was not foreign and, again, got the job done. We did pack up on day two in the evening and after hiking the upper lake trail, left. We opted to forego night two since we had enjoyed the campsite, hiked both the lower and upper lake trails, enjoyed the beach and walked in the water to the island. I, also, had walked the campground we stayed in.

We basically had finished what we came to do and once home a shower was very welcoming.

The weather was pleasant; it actually was a tad cool when wet and the sun was behind the clouds.

We arrived on Sunday and it reminded me of when I first came up out of the Subway onto the streets of New York: there was a buzz of people. The parking lots were full; the picnic area, beach, lake, and shaded area in front of the beach pavilion was humming with people. There was still places to put an umbrella, or, sit in the shade; but, it was a hum of activity as people were in the water, on the beach, in the shade, and in the picnic area.

We hiked the lower lake trail which for one mile was a good way to start our stay.

The lake nestled in the mountains makes for picturesque views.

We headed back to our campsite to burn our Mighty Tote log (so, quick and easy to get a fire going), roast hotdogs, and eat watermelon.

Day two was spent at the lake. What a difference a day can make. If Sunday was New York, Monday was small town America.

Thunder rumbled close by in the later afternoon, so, we packed up our stuff at the lake and headed to the campground.

I think the threat of packing up the next morning wet if a storm came, coupled with the feeling we had finished for the day, motivated the decision to pack up and leave.

It took a while to get an unanimous vote, but, we packed up.

On the way out, we went to the Upper Sherando Lake. The sun was fully out and it was obvious with a more unobstructed view of the sky that the storm threat had passed away from the campground.

The views and atmosphere at the upper lake were awesome. We hiked the Upper Sherando Lake trail.

We then headed home.

All in all, the trip was memorable and enjoyable: less the porta potties, unavailable water, and, unavailable showers.

The luck of the draw is not always in your favor for all things.

