Review: Cottonwoods River Camp

  • $0.00 /night
  • (5.0)5 reviews

Shantel bennington

1 year ago

Love sitting up here in the beautiful mountains. getting out of the hustle and bustle of life .if your sensitive and to many things and people effect your life just by existing go up the canyon it settles down . Good place for hypersensitive people to get grounded. Plus the river makes a good place to meditate . Summer is better its to cold now but it don't stop me . If you get stuck canyon patrol police will kindly and offer help. They'll pull you out . So its safe up there for the most part. People steal everywhere now days unfortunalty so just lock your doors everywhere. Dogs urn was actually stolen right down at the hotel down the street everything was two windows broke out . CANT BELIEVE SOME PEOPLE. Very Changed after that happened view on life and people has been changed greatly not in a good way. the bathrooms are very clean UTA runs that parking lot and they are very organized and orderly never seen a problem there ..beautiful place up the canyon way different then down in the madness.

