Review: Spruces - Big Cottonwood

  • $28.00 /night
  • (5.0)5 reviews


7 months ago

Oh, the Spruces Campground! Where my snowshoe adventure was less of a graceful glide through a winter wonderland and more of a hilarious attempt at not face-planting every five steps. The moment I strapped on those snowshoes, I felt like a yeti on a tightrope – awkward but weirdly majestic. The scenery was breathtaking, though sometimes literally, as I tried to navigate through snow that seemed to have aspirations of being quicksand.

The trees were decked out in their finest winter coats, standing like silent cheerleaders as I waddled, stumbled, and occasionally glided with all the grace of a newborn deer on ice. The air was so fresh it must have been sourced from a mint factory, and the quiet was so profound, you could hear a snowflake sigh as it landed.

And let’s not forget the wildlife – I’m pretty sure the squirrels were holding back giggles at my snowshoe shenanigans. In the end, my adventure at the Spruces Campground was a delightful mix of nature's serenity and my own comical clumsiness. I left with cold toes, rosy cheeks, and a belly full of laughter. Would I do it again? In a snowbeat!

