Review: Goblin Valley st Park dispersed camp area

  • $0.00 /night
  • (5.0)5 reviews


1 year ago

Absolutely incredible place to go at night. We got that picture with the stars a couple years ago and it’s one of my favorites. It’s a good place to play night games and it’s always pretty warm. I would recommend if you’re camping nearby to go on the BLM land. There are a lot of hikes nearby that you can do as well. Clean up after yourself and don’t leave trash around. There are bathrooms there, pavilions, and plenty of other places to go. I think there’s one place called the goblins lair in the back of the park. That is a cool thing to visit. There are things to climb, play on, and explore in the back. Just don’t knock over a bunch of rocks. It’s a pretty big place and I guess it just depends on your audience for you wanna do there. There are plenty of ways to interact and have fun with it.

