Review: Needle Rock Campground

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.8)4 reviews

Sonja Garcia

3 years ago

Very beautiful place many places to set up and hang out at the water. Can be cold. Always be safe around it and use life jackets. WATCH YOUR CHILDREN AROUND WATER. You will see a lot of kayakers and families in the summer less in the winter. It's still nice to go in the winter for walks. Please watch out for bulls,cows, horses, and donkeys all year. We had a bull get close enough to charge us. (On the main trails) We got away unhurt both us and the bull. Don't let them close enough to charge you. Stay back or go another way. They can hurt you very easily. As the sun goes down, always use bug spray. We have gotten eaten up many times 😂🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️. It can be bad. Use calamine lottion. It's the only thing that will help with the itching. We love this area and the sites around it. We have also seen skunks and raccoons and bobcats.

