Review: Shields Park NAS Recreation Site

  • $0.00 /night
  • (3.6)5 reviews

Allen Funk

6 months ago

We travel in a truck camper, pulling an enclosed car hauler with our Subaru, kayaks, bicycles, fishing gear, TV, carpet, outdoor livingroom furniture, and dirty clothes hamper inside the trailer. Unbelievably, we were confronted about parking our enclosed car hauler on the pad. The camp host said it was against policy, and we had to park the trailer about a half mile away. I told the host that I would take the issue up with MWR in the morning. I read the rules and met with the manager and pointed out two conflicting rules about trailers, and recommended adding an exemption for truck campers. I also reported that the 110 outlet did not work (and was not repaired while we were there). He deferred the decision to the director, whom I invited to our camp to discuss their rule and see our setup first hand. We were told twice that the director would come visit. We stayed there for three weeks and never saw the director, and the trailer was never mentioned again.

Considering the winds that routinely havoc that area, the idea of not allowing trailers on RV pads is preposterous. As long as all equipment fits and is not on the grass is all that should matter. One would think that storage and security of personal belongings and equipment would be paramount. We were constantly storing our gear in the trailer due to the winds, and the trailer kept our camp neat and organized. We believe that MWR leadership should review their rules and ask themselves why they have that rule.

Happy trails fellow travelers.

