Review: South Forty RV Ranch

  • $0.00 /night
  • (2.8)4 reviews

Jess Mooney

3 years ago

When I called to make the reservation, I answered all of the woman's questions which seemed to be to her satisfaction (which was why I got the reservation in the first place). I paid my two hundred dollars deposit thinking that everything was okay. I arrived after the office was closed and the very kind gentleman who checked me in said nothing about my setup. The next morning a man came to my sites and lectured me about the gray water run off and a small leak on the hose that I wasn't even aware of when I set up in the dark (i could have fixed this in a moment). I had to finally cut him off and explain that I worked from the road and I had to get back to my work calls rather than continue listening to him lecture me without any offer of help or a solution. About 5 minutes later I got a call from the office basically asking me to leave. Granted that it's my problem that it was a work day and I was trying to handle my own business while dealing with this problem. I just quickly agreed to leave and in the middle of my work calls. I hitched up and drove to the office to return my bathroom key. That's when I was told that I was forfeiting my entire $200 deposit for a single nighr when I hardly used anything including electricity water or amenities. I understand that businesses have policies. I'm a professional myself. But I was given a spot that had very little amenities compared to others and there were a ton of spots open so it wasn't like I was taking up valuable space that could have been given to another renter. A little bit of kindness and understanding would have gone a long way rather than a lecture and simply being asked to leave then told one night is costing $200. I highly recommend not checking in after hours and making sure that everything is 100% correct for your stay before you set up.

NOTE ON THEIR RESPONSE: So now I'm being called a liar. It's honestly so sad that a business can treat someone like this unchecked. I'm not disagreeing with the facts of my rig. All I was asked on the phone was if I had a bathroom and as a new traveler with a rig that has a cassette toilet, I said yes. That was the end of it. I was also inappropriately asked my age (discrimination law would look down on this) and since I needed a place to stay, I didn't think anything of it. When they the woman heard I was under 55, she started asking questions if I had kids/family and if I "fell into the category of being 55+ friendly". Again, I needed a place so I answered truthfully and got the reservation. I did NOT lie about any of my circumstances or my situation. Now instead of conceding to what I'm thinking was a miscommunication, I'm now a liar. This is an awful place.

