Review: High View

  • $5.00 /night
  • (2.6)5 reviews

Forest _Crytpid

10 months ago

Now that I have established myself as far as possible from this trash heap and gotten my security deposit I can write a review.

DO NOT rent here!

Massive bug problems. I'm convinced they're living and breeding in the bar and it needs to be replaced or hell, bug bomb the place [twice at minimum].

They will also tow disabled people's cars but won't tow people without disabilities in handicap spots. They also won't allow visitors with disabilities to park closer to the unit buildings so if you have walking difficulties you will either have to walk down multiple ramps (one that doesn't have a way on it), down a steep hill, or better yet, don't visit at all.

You are better off taking your $500-700 and living in a camp site and buy a gym membership or just live with your parents (if they allow it). I actually considered it at one point.

Can't say anything about the gym or pool given that the roach problem gave me the idea that those amenities were most likely just as disgusting.

That's just the screaming objective issues. There's probably worse but I didn't bother exploring the three story shack complex with what I was seeing in my own unit.

Edit 1: Upon reading some of the other reviews you'll notice on some of them that the complex management will reply with "we have no record of [insert reviewer here]--". As funny as that is, it shows that either they are stupid in believing people don't use anonymous names online or it's a tactic to de-legitimize real issues that these people have which sounds more likely. Keep that in mind when you read these reviews or make one.

