What a shame. This place is a veritable rat hole. Rundown beyond belief. Whole damned place falling apart and nobody seems to give a damn. Owners have obviously checked out. Been two months since we had power in the boathouse with no way to get our boats up out of the water until later when they supposedly would put them up w portable power. Boathouses are literally crumbling where they set. Only thing they care about is the beer joint. Probably what’s keeping them going. Yea they are nice, but nice only goes so far.
Please , someone with some cash please buy this place before the Army Corps condemns it or they finally just shut it down.
Ended up here today and idk how I was honestly looking for a fishing spot but than I kept driving to find that perfect place than I seen a restaurant after a long 10hr overnight shift I was hungry so went in very nice clean friendly people food really enjoyed it fresh little pricey but well worth it I spent 47$ on 3 people will be back soon
We really like Whitehorn Cove marina. The people there are very friendly and helpful! I'm in a wheelchair and someone is always offering to open a door or help me manuever around. Even when I get on our boat at the main marina people have helped us out! They have a cafe that we've heard good things about and we're looking forward to trying it soon. There's also a bar but we're not drinkers. We always see lots of deer when we leave in the evening. In one area there's a lot of ducks and geese. We've caught a few fish too! The marina itself is getting a little worn and could use a remodel though but highly recommend!