Campground closed for the season. Note: Bonneville Power Administration is replacing transmission lines. Due to severe safety hazards, public access will be restricted in the work area. The area under the powerlines is closed to the public until **December 2021**. The remainder of the park and shoreline are open for public use.
Operated by the Army Corp of Engineers, Giles L. French Park offers free primitive camping and up to 14 days of use. First-come, first-serve; no reservations. Also included: bathrooms, boat ramp, dock, and trails.
There are no reservations for primitive campsites. All primitive campsites are first-come, first-serve with a 7-day use limit. Camping permitted April 1 - October 31
From Interstate 84, take Rufus exit 109, head north toward the Columbia River and turn right into Giles L. French Park.