Roosters Rest Stop Dispersed

  • $0.00 /night
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Camping Style

Other Camping
RV Camping
Tent Camping
Trailer Camping

About Campground

There are many opportunities for dispersed camping on the Bitterroot National Forest. The general guidance is as follows: • Our Forest stay limit is 16 days. After 16 days you must move 5 miles away from your camp site, as the crow flies • Camp in an already used site, do not create a new site o For fire rings (rocks usually), use existing rings before making a new one. Scatter once done and leaving. o Do not burn trash or other items in fire rings to avoid pollution and to not attract animals. o Collect dead and down wood for firewood. o Ensure your campfire is OUT before you leave • Camp 100 feet away from water • Do not rinse and wash dishes/etc. out of the creek or river. Do it on land. • There is a not a set distance for how far you need to be off a trail, but keep in mind other people are hiking and want to enjoy the area as well, so the further away from the trail the better. • Practice Leave No Trace Principles o Plan ahead and prepare o Travel and camp on durable surfaces o Dispose of waste properly o Leave what you find o Minimize campfire impacts o Respect wildlife o Be considerate of other visitors o For more information on LNT, visit: • Do not damage live trees (nails, carving, etc.) • Motorized access to dispersed camping is allowed within 300 feet of most roads. • Know where you are and ensure you are on public lands. Make sure you have an updated map or app on your phone. • Be bear aware and store your food properly.








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